Travel Articles
Top 5 Most Popular Nightclubs in Barcelona Discover the top 5 nightclubs in Barcelona where you can enjoy a great party environment
Men's Fashion in Barcelona - Various Styles What kind of styles do the men of Barcelona wear? Find it out here.
How to live in Barcelona on a student budget Where to stay, how to navigate and go out in Barcelona without going broke.
Barcelona Fashion – Different Styles in every Corner Find out what kind of styles are present on a daily basis in the fashion capital, Barcelona!
Catalan referendum: 1 in 3 foreigners in favour This is what foreigners residing in Barcelona think about the Referendum. 1 in 3 are in favour....
The 10 Reasons students want to learn in Barcelona The 10 reasons that make Barcelona the best city for students.
Cannabis in Barcelona What are Cannabis Clubs and why are they permitted? What's the status of marijuana in Barcelona?
Finding Barcelona's hidden bars and restaurants. The hidden bars of Barcelona, another way to discover the city.
Grocery shopping in Barcelona: Price comparison Where to buy groceries in Barcelona, with prices, quality and reasons. Everything you need to know.
Where can you practise Yoga in Barcelona? Yoga isn't only an activity for relaxing. It brings its own philosophy and culture.