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29 Aug 2019 | Estimated reading time: 5 minutes |

Three Original Bookstores in Barcelona

Three Original Bookstores in Barcelona

The most unique bookshop experiences in the city!

In Barcelona there are many options for those who love to dive into the world of reading. here you reveal three of the most unique bookstores that the city of Barcelona has to offer.

If you're reading this well then you probably share a passion for well... reading! We can spend hours and hours in front of pages on which fabulous stories are weaved, taking you along with them for the journey into fantastic worlds. If you're in Barcelona then, where can you find some books? And more importantly, where can you find books that offers a unique experience that you may not find back home?

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Well we're here to recommend three of the best bookshops in Barcelona, each very different from the last. And don't worry, each one has a section of books in English.

Re-Read - The Low-Cost Bookshop

Re-Read Bookshop
Re-Read Bookshop

Tired of the abusive rises in the cost of books? If paying €17, €20, €25, or even €30 for the pleasure of reading? Well if you're looking to buy more books but your budget doesn't allow it then the answer is clear; the Re-Read Bookshop where prices of all the books is simple; one book costs €3, two books costs €5, and five books costs €10. What a difference, no?

Located on Roselló, 158; you will find all kinds of books including fiction, cooking, photography, art, and more. The shop is very small, but it's cosy and you'll have a good time sifting through the shelves of the selection on offer. In this shop, price isn't a factor, you're only limited by your desire to read more!

C/Rosselló 158 - www.re-read.com

Cómplices Bookshop - Committed to the Gay Community

Cómplices Bookshop
Cómplices Bookshop

Cómplices is a historic bookshop dedicated to the LGTB community. The best thing about this bookshop is that you're welcome in whether you be straight, gay, lesbian, transexual, bisexual, or whatever else. There's something for everyone here, so you're sure to find a book that interests you! It's not all books either, there is a wealth of comics, movies, magazines, and more.

Buy a book at Cómplices is not only an act of consumerism, it's also a direct statement of support for gay culture, integration, and equal rights for gays and lesbians around the world. Show your support!

c/ Cervantes, 4 - www.libreriacomplices.com

Excursions in Barcelona

To make the most of Barcelona and fill your trip with unforgettable experiences and emotions, we offer you the excursions through the Catalan capital organized by our friends - the GetYourGuide team. Choose your excursion and fall in love with Barcelona:

Casa del Libro - A Garden in a Bookstore

Casa del Libro
Casa del Libro Bookstore

The large Spanish chain called Casa del Libro includes one of the most impressive bookstores in Barcelona. Located on Rambla de Catalunya, this enormous bookstore has a massive amount of titles and sections including a decently sized English section.

In addition to the large amounts of spain, you will find a quaint garden where presentations of books are made . In this room, which is usually open to the public, you can sit down in one of the comfortable chairs and savor the pleasure of reading in this peaceful and green space.

Rambla de Catalunya, 37 - www.casadellibro.com

Long Live the Bookstores!

Of course, there are many other unique bookshops that haven't been mentioned here and for fans of reading it's certainly worth the effort trying to find them. We encourage you to leave a comment and let us know what your favourite bookshops are, as well as your recommendations.

Jordi Cirach

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Jordi Cirach Jordi Cirach Website
Columnist, Community Manager, and Social Media strategist. I encourage you to share with me your views on Barcelona and to help me discover new curiosities in this unique city! And you...? Are you curious?

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