A trip with no return?

We had a lovely journey there and we had a lovely day apart from when a statue on Las Ramblas who was a skeleton riding a bike made our son jump and he cried! It was a lovely sunny day and we had taken in all the sights of Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia, Las Ramblas and the port.
The problem came when we came to catch the train back. We went to the platform that we though our train was leaving on only to find out it wasn't the right platform.

We tried asking which platform we should be on but people didn’t understand what we were trying to say and some just ignored us. Eventually someone indicated the platform over the other side but then found we could not get to the platform we needed as there was a barrier and it would not let us through!
We couldn't find anyone to ask so we were stuck between platforms, no one spoke English and I thought we were going to spend the night on a platform at Barcelona station. We couldn’t find our way out and we couldn’t get to our platform, we were both starting to worry.

Finally we found someone who said we had to buy another ticket for each of us. We didn't have enough money on us so we were getting quite worried. Eventually we managed to get someone to understand us and they finally let us through to the right platform and we caught our train back.
It has put me off getting a train in Barcelona and am very wary about getting the right platform in the future.