OK Apartment references
OK Apartment is one of the most respected apartment rental companies on the web. Our objective is to offer high quality accommodation for affordable prices. Using our website, guests will find booking an apartment as easy as booking a hotel. Many travelers have already used our service with great success. On this page we proudly present what the authority travel guides and communities have to say about OK Apartment.
Villarroel 1, entresuelo 2
08011 Barcelona
+(34) 933255027
Trip Advisor reviews our apartments

We greatly value the opinions of our customers. Our apartments are now being reviewed in TripAdvisor, the world's largest travel community with over 65 million visitors every month across 30 countries.
ViewThe Barcelona Connect Magazine recommends OK Apartment

One of the most informative magazines about Barcelona (Barcelona Connect Magazine) recommends OK Apartment. This magazine is not only a trusted sources for many visitors of Barcelona, but also for locals. Every month they publish a free magazine that you can find throughout the streets of Barcelona.
ViewOK Apartment Barcelona in Petit Futé

The well respected travel website Petit Futé recommends renting an apartment in Barcelona with OK Apartment Barcelona.
ViewRoutard recommends OK Apartment Barcelona

The most popular backpacker's guide in France, Routard, with over 2 million followers each month, recommends renting an apartment with OK Apartment Barcelona. Routard is a travel community for people travelling to over 250 destinations.
ViewListed on MetroMarks City Guide

MetroMarks is the World’s best travel website when exploring a city. You can find a city’s weather, news, movie times, events, blogs, maps, attractions, restaurants, hotels, shopping, and much more in seconds. We profile great travel, photo and video social media streams, where you can see a city’s videos, pics, tweets or even ask a local or meet some locals in the city. MetroMarks only includes trusted companies in their directory, which OK Apartment Barcelona is a part of.