În continuare vă prezentăm apartamentele situate în cartierul Raval din Barcelona.
Fiecare apartament are stabilită o perioadă minimă de închiriere, aceasta putând oscila între 3 şi 30 de zile.

De la €6840Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €675Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €5940Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €820Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1323Mai multe detaliipersoană/noaptePreț bazat pe rezervări pentru 2 persoane în extrasezon
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €6300Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €5940Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1150Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1250Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1150Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1300Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1500Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €850Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1250Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1250Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3000Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €1150Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €850Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €12060Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
De la €3750Mai multe detaliimonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.